WAGA Round the Club Competition Rules 2023-24

dated 28 June 2023


The intent of this competition is to encourage inter-club participation in XC soaring. The handicapped scoring is intended to assist lower performance gliders that are often used by newer pilots.

1:         WHEN:

a.      The Competition runs from 1st October to 31st March.

b.      The competition is held every Saturday and Sunday for the specified months.

c.   Pilots are to submit only one flight log for a given month. You can do it multiple times; just submit your best result for the month.

2:         TASK:

The tasks will be fixed with wedges to allow a variable task length for lower performing gliders. The glider should touch the wedge and then head for the next turn-point.

The wedge radius depends on the glider handicap except that where the handicap is equal to or greater than 1.01, there are no wedges. Australian ballasted handicaps will be used.

The tasks and wedge radii are:


a.      The direction of the task is anti-clockwise.

b.      Turnpoints are FAI sectors plus an inner circle with a radius of 500 metres being the shape of a Thistle, plus the wedges for handicaps less than 1.01

c.       The start is a 10km start line (5km rad) over the airfield

d.      The finish is a 3 km radius circle over the airfield

3:         SCORING

a.      Scoring shall be in accordance with the latest version of the GFA Australian National Rules except as modified below.

b.      The winning pilot shall be awarded 1000 points.

c.       The minimum scoring distance will be75km x glider handicap. Pilots achieving 75km on task will be given credit for their return towards home leg or their “on task” distance, whichever is greater.

d.      The minimum number of points for a pilot who achieves the minimum scoring distance shall be 500 points.

e.        Pilots should provide their details to the club’s RTC coordinator who will liaise with the scorer at the end of each calendar month Details should include: name, club, glider rego, glider type, glider configuration (eg: to distinguish between an LS8 in 15m or 18m mode), IGC file, speed (if task completed) and distance (see c above). Also advise if water ballast tanks are unserviceable in which case the handicap will be reduced by 5%.


a.      All pilots flying for their respective clubs will score for their own club, regardless of where they launched or started the task from.

b.      Each club two seaters should be scored as the glider only for the season, regardless of who was flying it. For example. GTO would be GCWA’s two seat “pilot”.

c.       The points from the top five scoring competitors of each club will be averaged to determine the club points. In the case where less than five pilots have flown from a given club, the average points for all entrants is used to determine the club points.

d.      The club with the greatest club score at the end of the Competition shall be the winner.


a.      The season’s individual winner will be the pilot with the greatest number of points from their best 4 scoring days. The individual winner is the secondary goal of the competition,participating for your club is the primary objective.


Club coordinators are:

NGC: Arnold Geerlings 0450 221 661, or as otherwise advised by NGC

GCWA:  Andrew Herwig 0438 287 642, or as otherwise advised by GCWA

BSS: Andrew King 0403 532 366, or as otherwise advised by BSS


Competition Scorer is Andrew Herwig 0438 287 642